Shropshire Star

Pub-goers asked to 'know your limits' in Shrewsbury pubs

It can be the source of drunken arguments when pub-goers are refused service because they've had a little too much.

Kevin Roberts and James Hitchin along with other licencees at The Alb, Smithfield Road, Shrewsbury as the launch the new bar staff awareness campaign.

But police, landlords and business owners in Shrewsbury are hoping that will be a thing of the past, as they want to get the message out that it's not personal, it's the law.

'Know You Limits' posters will be going up in pubs and other licensed premises across the town, leaving customers in no doubt that landlords are simply following the law of the land by refusing to serve people they deem too drunk – because if they do, they can face a £1,000 fine.

The poster is being rolled out with the backing of Shrewsbury Pubwatch and the Business Improvement District team.

Sgt Simon Morris said: "The aim of the poster is to encourage a sensible approach to the consumption of alcohol products in licensed premises here in Shrewsbury – and educate the public that staff are just comforming to the licensing act if they refuse to serve them with an alcohol-based drink.

"The fine for serving alcohol in a licensed premises to someone who is intoxicated is listed as a level three fine in the licensing act 2003, which can be up to £1,000."

He said it was aimed at reminding both bar staff and customers of that fact.

Pc Kevin Roberts added that it also aimed to take the anger out of the situation when someone is refused service.

He said: "A lot of the time people just want a reason. This takes customers animosity away from bar staff, because they can just say it's the law."

James Hitchin, landlord of The Alb and chairman of Shrewsbury Pubwatch, said: "I think it's a wonderful initiative and I give it my full support.

"I think it's something people are not that aware of and it's another tool to help us create a vibrant and exciting night life in Shrewsbury."

Aleks Vladimirov of Shrewsbury BID added: "It's showcasing that everyone is working to keep Shrewsbury safe.

"We have a purple flag accreditation for a safe night time economy environment which we have to renew every year, and this is part of that," he said.