Shropshire Star

Lead stripped from Whitchurch Civic Centre by hooded males

Three hooded males have ripped lead from part of Whitchurch Civic Centre.

Last updated
Whitchurch Civic Centre. Photo: Google StreetView.

The males, who were believed to be wearing white masks, were seen with ladders at the civic centre on the High Street.

Police said it happened at about about 1.30am on Wednesday, and the lead was later found in a wheelie bin.

Whitchurch Town Council clerk Nicola Young said: "They attacked the lean-to on the left hand site of the civic centre.

"A member of the public called the police who arrived within six minutes.

"They ran off down an alleyway but it is believed they were picked up on CCTV.

"We must thank the member of the public for alerting police before they stripped the whole roof."

Meanwhile, lead sheeting was stolen from above windows of a house fronting onto Watergate Street, Whitchurch, between 9pm on Sunday and 3am on Monday.

It is not known if the two incidents are linked.

Anyone with information can call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or at

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