Shropshire Star

'Knicker thief' caught red handed stealing women's underwear from washing line

A thief has been caught on camera stealing woman's underwear from a washing line.

Last updated
John Wall

John Alexander Wall, of Etnam Street, Leominster, was caught on camera on July 15 stealing the underwear from a washing line and following a positive identification his property was searched by officers.

Police set up a trap for the 38-year-old offender by planting underwear marked with Smartwater on the woman's washing line.

Officers found the underwear marked with Smartwater in the property and Wall was arrested following the sting operation.

Appearing at Hereford Magistrates Court on July 22, Wall pleaded guilty to theft and was given a 12 month conditional discharge.

Sergeant Ben Pearson said: "The identification and prosecution of Wall is great example of proactive policing helping to protect our communities and identify offenders and bring them to justice. It sends out a warning to other would be criminals that we are on the lookout for them and we may catch them when they least expect it."

The police operation was part of the We Don't Buy Crime initiative, a proactive campaign to protect people from theft and burglary and identify those responsible for these crimes.

Superintendent Tom Harding said: "This case demonstrates West Mercia Police's commitment, with funding and support from John Campion the Police and Crime Commissioner, to utilise the latest technology in the fight against crime. The versatility of products such as SmartWater are enabling us to have a significant impact on crime across the West Mercia policing area."

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