Shopkeeper fined for dumping rubbish in Newtown car park

A shopkeeper has been fined £75 for dumping a bag of rubbish in a Newtown car park.

Back Lane Car Park, Newtown. Photo: GoogleStreetView.

Powys County Council issued a fixed penalty notice after a waste enforcement officer found the black bag in Back Lane Car Park earlier this year.

The officer found documents among the rubbish which were linked to the shopkeeper, who was then issued with a £75 fixed penalty notice.

Councillor Phyl Davies, cabinet member for waste and recycling, said: "It is a criminal offence to litter and anyone found doing so could receive a fine of up to £2,500 if it goes to court.

"We have received a number of complaints about litter being dumped so we have stepped up our waste awareness and enforcement activities in the town. Our team are out every day closely monitoring the streets and known litter hotspots."

He said littering and fly-tipping costs Welsh councils millions of pounds each year to clear up.

"We hope this will act as a warning to show that we will investigate this anti-social behaviour and take the appropriate enforcement action necessary," he added.

"We want to make Powys a more welcoming place for residents and visitors, and this starts by having a clean environment."