Shropshire Star

Pensioner shouted homophobic slurs at neighbour

A pensioner shouted homophobic slurs at her neighbour after getting drunk while celebrating an anniversary, a court heard.

Welshpool Magistrates Court

Mavis Calderbank, aged 68, was celebrating an anniversary with her husband, when she began shouting at her neighbour Rebecca Radford and her friend Karen Hawkins, it was said.

She swore at the pair and shouted homophobic abuse, the court was told.

Calderbank, of Churchstoke, Powys, admitted two section five public order offences at Welshpool Magistrates Court.

Prosecutor Mrs Helen Tench told the court that Miss Hawkins was visiting her friend Miss Radford at around 6pm on August 28. Calderbank and her husband were in their garden when she saw her neighbour and her friend and asked them what they were looking at.

She then began shouting at Miss Radford about her dogs, and swearing.

Mrs Tench said the defendant had been drinking, and went on to call Miss Radford names and asked her “do you fancy me?”.

The court also heard the defendant had drunk three bottles of wine, and when Miss Radford spoke she was alleged to have replied to her in an abusive manner.

Miss Hawkins told the defendant her behaviour was disgusting, and the police were called.

In a police interview, Calderbank said she recalled the incident and said her behaviour was towards Miss Hawkins. She said her comments were a "spur of the moment" thing, and didn’t consider herself to be homophobic.

She denied some of the comments made and that the homophobic comments were intended to be offensive.

In a victim impact statement, both victims said they had been left shaken and reluctant to leave their homes in case they saw Calderbank.

Miss Radford said her mental health problems had returned and added the homophobic comments had left her embarrassed.

Mr Paul Inns, defending, said the incident was out of character for a woman who had no previous convictions. He said she had since moved away from the area, and added his client is registered disabled with a list of health problems.

Bench chairwoman Cynthia Mcvey said that Calderbank’s age and health problems were no excuse for her actions. She added: “It has made for shocking listening.” and we take a very serious view of this.

“Your age and health is no excuse, you should have known better than this. It has aeffected both of the victims.”

Magistrates made Calderbank subject to a six-month community order with 10 rehabilitation days. She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge but with no compensation ordered.

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