Telford child sex porn addict is jailed

A Telford man who created footage of a young girl and invited other people to view the images on the internet has been jailed.


Anthony Cowern, 39, of Gittens Drive, Aqueduct, was said to have been addicted to pornography and was in denial over his sexual attraction to young children.

The self-employed gardener was jailed for a total of 12 months when he appeared at Shrewsbury Crown Court.

Judge Anthony Lowe said that the level of depravity made it impossible to consider anything other than immediate custody.

He said he had taken into account the serious content of internet conversations and the footage of the young girl and Cowern's interest in extreme pornography.

Cowern was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 year sand he must be on the sex offenders register for seven years.

He had admitted seven charges relating to creating a live image of a youngster and inciting voyeurism by encouraging others to view the footage online and facilitating conversations with others about sexual activity with children.

In addition he was also found to be in possession of a quantity of extreme pornography.

The court heard that the offences occurred more than three years ago over a 15-day period in January and February, 2015.

There were 60 pages of unpleasant conversations that were recovered and Cowern was said to have 'physically retched' when they were played back during police interviews.

David Swinnerton, for Cowern, said his client had lost his family, his home and his business and the case had been hanging over him for three years.

He said Cowern had shown remorse and had been seeking help and therapy to tackle his addiction and obsession with pornography