Shropshire Star

Three arrested after Telford immigration raids

Three people have been arrested following a string of immigration raids.

West Mercia Police arrested three people

They were arrested by a team in Telford which focuses on illegal working, counterfeit goods and smuggled tobacco.

The town's Multi-Agency Targeted Enforcement Strategy (MATES), which includes police and Telford & Wrekin Council, focuses on a variety of issues including illegal working, rogue landlords and unlawful houses of multiple occupancy, serious breaches of fire and safety regulations, exploitation of workers, modern slavery, human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.

A number of places were visited by the group across Telford and Wrekin during the raids, police said.

No further information on the arrests or what properties were targeted have yet been revealed.

As well as the arrests, some premises were also issued with waste violation notices and fined.

Trading Standards and HMRC seized illicit tobacco and counterfeit goods.


West Mercia Police Sergeant Ram Aston, of Telford’s Harm Reduction Hub, said: “We know modern slavery is taking place right across the country and want to make sure we are doing all we can in Telford to tackle this issue and ensure those who are among the most vulnerable in our communities have help and support to break free from this exploitation.

“One of the great advantages of the MATES partnership is that all the different agencies come together to share information and play their part.

"As individual organisations we all have different roles and responsibilities but the unique position we have means we see and hear things that on their own might appear to be nothing, but when they’re put together as part of the bigger picture, lead us to evidence something untoward is happening.

“By working together as part of MATES we can better tackle issues such as modern slavery, human trafficking and child sexual exploitation and we really value the support we receive from the agencies involved.”

Councillor Richard Overton, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for enforcement, added: “We strive to make everyone in our borough safe and feel safe.

"Throughout the year, our officers carry out inspections and investigations on people and premises and, where necessary, take action.

"In addition, we regularly team up with our MATES partners for operations such as this.

"It’s on these occasions that the information gathered by our officers every day can play a vital part in tackling the bigger issues.”

Anybody who suspects modern slavery is taking place should call 08000 121 700.