Shropshire Star

Man cleared of extreme porn charges

A man has been cleared by a jury of possessing almost 200 extreme pornographic images on his phone.

Mold Crown Court

Jordan Beeson, 21, of Bron-y-buckley, Welshpool, was on trial for having images on his phone depicting sex acts between animals and humans.

The jury at Mold Crown Court heard that the images were discovered when Beeson’s mobile phone was examined by the police.

But Beeson - who said he was not aware of the images and told the jury that they were nothing to do with him - denied the offence of possessing the images between September 2016 and April 2017.

He said that the images must have been on the mobile phone before he purchased it second hand and that he had never seen them.

Defending barrister Paulinus Barnes told the court that his client was adamant that he knew nothing of them and therefore he could not be in possession of them.

The prosecution said that the defendant had put his details in the phone at an earlier stage which indicated it was in his possession at the time of the images were downloaded.

But the defence said that he had previously used the other man’s phone in September 2016, before he bought it, in order to check his emails, which was why his details were there.

Beeson was formally found not guilty and he was discharged by the judge, Mr Recorder Nicholas Gareth Jones.

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