Shropshire Star

Telford man threatened to burn down his own house

A Telford man who threatened to burn down his home with his young family inside has been given a community order after the court heard of his mental health problems.


Dipak Kothari has been drinking heavily and failed to take the medication he had been prescribed for depression when he suffered a breakdown in the early hours of July 5 this year.

Judge Anthony Lowe, sitting at Shrewsbury Crown Court, heard the 46-year-old father-of-one had been arguing with his wife over his computer usage.

Prosecutor Dafydd Roberts told the court that Kothari’s wife had gone to bed at their former home in Meadowdale Drive, Admaston, and awoke to see her husband standing in the bedroom threatening to burn the house down.

Mr Adrian Roberts, for Kothari, said the threats had been ‘hollow’.

“He had something of a breakdown over the course of the summer,” said Mr Roberts.

“He forgot to take his medication which led to a deterioration in his mental health. But his wife has stood by him at this extremely difficult time.”

Judge Anthony Lowe told Kothari: “You do not need to tell me how frightening this must have been for your wife.”

Kothari admitted a charge of threatening to cause criminal damage.

Judge Lowe handed Kothari a 12-month community order.

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