Shropshire Star

Cocaine driver who hit police car in high speed Shrewsbury chase is jailed

A driver high on drugs who smashed into a police car during a high speed chase has been jailed.

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Zacharias Little, 27, hit a police car, turned into a blind bend and careered down a residential street at 70mph during the pursuit in his Audi A3.

After giving police the slip, he returned home, Shrewsbury Crown Court was told.

The pursuit started in Shrewsbury town centre on December 29 last year when an officer noticed Little was under the influence.

Little was chased on a 17-mile pursuit lasting 20 minutes in which stingers were deployed, a police helicopter requested and four police vehicles were involved.

He drove down the 30mph Wenlock Road at 70mph, before heading for country roads in Atcham, careering past roundabouts without slowing down, before hitting speeds of 95mph on the old A5.

Little turned into a blind bend at speed at Atcham, and officers said that had someone been approaching from the opposite direction there would have been a “very serious” collision.

After two stinger attempts were ineffective, Little made his way back towards Shrewsbury town centre.

Prosecutor Rachel Pennington added: “Officers were told if he went into the centre the pursuit must end because it was the festive period and there were a lot of revellers in the town.”


Little, however, turned left on Old Potts Way towards Asda before approaching the column roundabout. A police car parked to block his route, but Little mounted the kerb and smashed into the car.

Officers later arrested him at his parents’ house in Belvidere and he tested positive for cocaine.

Little, whose address was given as Wagon Lane, Solihull, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.

He had previously been convicted of being in charge of a vehicle while under the influence of drugs in September 2016, and was given a conditional discharge for that offence.

Paul Smith, defending Little, said: “He’s had a cocaine addiction for some time. He’s had two occasions where he has been at Changes UK (a voluntary charity that helps addicts).”

He also said one of Little's counsellors insisted he was “motivated” to get help.

Judge Jeremy Baker jailed Little for nine months and disqualified him from driving for two years and four-and-a-half months.

He told Little: “Due to the seriousness of your driving and your conviction history, you do present a danger to the public.”

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