Shropshire Star

Police advisory panel is ‘too white’ - claim

Dyfed-Powys Police Force's police and crime panel has been accused of being made up of too many 'retired, white straight older men'.


A letter was received by the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel, saying that it could lead to unconscious bias against some groups of people.

The panel is made up of local councillors, who advise and scrutinise the police and crime commissioner.

It is made up of 12 councillors from Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys plus two co-opted members.

Two per cent of the area that the force covers is of black or ethnic minority.

In the letter, the anonymous person said: "Why was it decided that the panel should be made up of county councillors, because these are overwhelmingly retired, white straight older males."

Panel chairman Alun Lloyd Jones told a meeting last week that Home Office regulations required the panels to be politically balanced and, as far as possible, gender balanced and reflective of the area they cover.

Co-opted members Helen Thomas added that she was sure there was no evidence of unconscious bias or discrimination on the panel's work.