Consultation over police precept rise
Dyfed-Powys Police's precept could rise by up to £2 per month, with the force needing to spend over £105 million on its operation.
Police and crime commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn is consulting with people in Powys, ahead of setting the precept for 2019/20.
The average band D property in the area currently pays £224.56 a year, and the commissioner said: “I have asked the Chief Constable to assess the budget requirement for Dyfed-Powys Police for next year.
"His assessment is that up to £105.3 million will need to be spent on policing Dyfed-Powys in 2019/20, to keep our communities safe.
"Your precept is an essential part of police funding, without which we could not maintain a police service that effectively and efficiently responds to the needs of your community. This income is in addition to Home Office and other grants, albeit the Home Office contribution is yet to be announced.”
He has launched a survey which says what the impact will be on the force if there are no rises, a £1 rise, a £1.5 per month rise, or a £2 per month.
The commissioner added: "I am urging the residents of Dyfed-Powys to voice their opinion on this critical issue to ensure that we, as a police force, can continue to safeguard our communities with the highest standard of service available."
The survey is available at and ends in January 2019.