Shropshire Star

Mid Wales town bans 10 people from pubs and clubs in one month

Ten people have been given bans from pubs in Newtown in the last month.


Under the Behave Or Be Banned scheme (BOBB), response officers and neighbourhood policing teams work closely with businesses to reduce violence and disorder in pubs and clubs. The scheme sees people banned from pubs, clubs and bars for bad behaviour.

If anyone is arrested for a crime of violence, disorder or anti-social behaviour in licensed premises, or after leaving a licensed establishment in the scheme, they will be banned from not just that licensed premises, but all licensed premises that display the BOBB sign within the area.

In addition, if someone is a persistent nuisance for a licensee but their behaviour doesn’t merit arrest, licensees can also put them forward to receive a ban from all licensed premises. Problem customers are banned not just from the one pub but all those in the area that have signed up.

Newtown Sergeant Stephen Vaughan has taken over the running of the scheme from Sergeant Dave Steer who successfully ran the scheme for many years, and said ten people were banned in March.

He said: "BOBB is an effective tool to help prevent, reduce and tackle alcohol related offences within our communities.

"As a result of arrests for alcohol related disorder during the month of March in Newtown, ten people have today been given bans by the Newtown Pubwatch committee ranging in length from 3 months to an indefinite ban.

"This ban prevents all those listed from entering any licensed premises in Newtown and the surrounding area.

"The Pubwatch committee would also like to remind those people already subject to banning notices that any breaches will result in an extension of the period they are banned.

“Licensees will not tolerate anti-social behaviour in their premises and BOBB keeps such people out, making it safer and more enjoyable for everyone else.

“The message is simple – Behave or Be Banned."