Shropshire Star

Telford man jailed for jealous attack on woman

A man who attacked a woman in a jealous rage has been jailed for 20 months.


Ashley Groves appeared at Shrewsbury Justice Centre on Thursday for sentencing after admitting a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, another of sexual assault and a third of theft.

The 30-year-old from Turreff Drive in Donnington, Telford, was also given a 10-year restraining order.

Mr Tariq Shakoor, prosecuting, told the court that Groves, who had spent eight years in the Army and had a number of previous convictions for harassment, stalking and battery, had launched the attack on the woman on October 20 last year and had been fuelled by jealousy, anger and suspicion.

The woman sustained injuries to her arms, neck and breast.

Mr John Williams, for Groves, said that he suffered from post traumatic stress disorder following an eight-year career in the Army. He added there was a pattern to his offending and this involved alcohol.

Judge Anthony Lowe told Groves: "This offence has all the hallmarks of somebody who is trying to control somebody else. You have previous convictions for violence, harassment and breaching restraining orders. You have no control of what happens in these circumstances."

Groves was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment for both the ABH charge and the sexual assault charge to run concurrently. He was also sentenced to two months for theft. This will also run concurrently.

He will serve half his sentence in prison and will then serve the remainder on licence following his release.