Shropshire Star

Thieves target shoppers and bicycles in Shrewsbury

Thieves have targeted shoppers and stolen bicycles around Shrewsbury during a spate of thefts.

Last updated

Police said that on Saturday, May 4, an orange coloured leather purse containing cash and various bank cars is believed to have been stolen from a shopper's bag on the back of a wheelchair in Pride Hill sometime between 1pm and 6.30pm – with incident reference 0175s060519.

On the same day between 3.20pm and 4pm, police said thieves stole a purse from the shoulder bag of another shopper while in a town centre store at the top of Castle Street. The purse contained cash, vouchers and a driving licence – with incident reference 0226s050519.

A black Radley purse with three dogs on it containing cash and bank cards is also believed to have been stolen from another shopper in the upper mall in Darwin Shopping Centre between 3.45pm and 4pm – with incident reference 545s040519.

This comes after an increase in bike thefts in the town, which saw a cable lock cut and a black Trek bicycle stolen from railings by the English Bridge, at the bottom of Wyle Cop between 2pm and 6pm on Wednesday, May 1 – with incident reference 508s010519.

Between 5.20pm and 6.50pm the same day, a Specialised mountain bike was stolen from beside a shop at the top of Pride Hill – with incident reference 562s010519.

A grey Marlin version Trek mountain bike was also reported stolen from a locked bike store at the old Gay Meadow housing development off Abbey Foregate on Friday, May 3, believed to have been stolen within the previous two weeks – with incident reference 530s030519.

Shrewsbury Central Safer Neighbourhood Team said: "We urge everyone to please remind neighbours, friends and relatives to be vigilant when at checkouts and in busy shopping centres, and to keep wallets, purses and handbags secure at all times."

Anyone with any information is urged to contact West Mercia Police on 101 quoting the relevant incident number for each theft.

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