Shropshire Star

How police brought child rapist to justice in Telford sex abuse case

Instagram and Snapchat are favourites of celebrities and schoolchildren but police have revealed how the social media apps were key to a man finding, grooming, and abusing a young Telford girl.

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Ghamer Sulayman, 23, was jailed for rape and trafficking

As Ghamer Sulayman, 23, of Mercia Drive, in Kings Heath, Birmingham was this week convicted of two counts of human trafficking and one count of rape at Shrewsbury Crown Court, police have told how they tracked him down, and how the courage of the victim saw her sick abuser brought to justice.

The case, a result of what police codenamed Operation Almond, has naturally attracted attention, with Telford already in the national spotlight over concerns about child sexual exploitation.

During the trial, at Shrewsbury Crown Court, the jury heard harrowing details of the girl’s experience, and how she was taken from Telford to Birmingham where she was plied with alcohol and Sulayman ordered her to engage in sex acts with multiple men, including with two men at the same time. He had told her that if she did not comply she would have nowhere to stay that night.


The jury was told how she was then dumped at a train station the next day to make her own way back to Telford.

The two then met up in a Telford supermarket car park on several occasions later that month to have sex consensually.

The court heard that on some other occasions other men would be present at the car park, and that Sulayman “pimped” her to his friends in return for favours.

She was given cannabis, and when she objected to having sex with Sulayman while two other men were in the car, he took no notice.

Chief Superintendent Tom Harding worked on the case

Following the prosecution, which saw Sulayman jailed for ten years, Chief Superintendent Tom Harding, former Telford Superintendent and local commander at the time of the investigation, has spoken of how the united front against CSE is yielding results in the borough.

The victim’s case had started like many others facing a similar position – with a missing persons report.

A family member had called police just after 9pm on July 1, 2016, to report that she had gone missing.

It was not the first time that the police had received reports about the girl going missing, with the July 1 call being the fifth made to the force.

Chief Supt Harding said: “Concerns were raised when she did not return home with her friend.

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“We immediately launched a missing persons inquiry and that missing report was treated as a high risk missing person immediately.

“This young lady had been reported missing on five previous occasions to us over the course of a number of months. She was also identified as at risk of CSE.”

At 9pm on July 2 the girl made contact with her family and told them she was in Birmingham and would be getting the train home. Chief Supt Harding said that at the time the victim was already working with a team designed to stop youngsters from being abused.

The CATE team – Children Abused Through Exploitation – was set up specifically to help youngsters who may be at risk from groomers and sexual predators.

Chief Supt Harding said: “We suspected she was being exploited, however she did not wish to speak to police about what had taken place while she was missing and in turn she did not want us to proceed with a prosecution.”

The police chief said that despite the victim’s reluctance to help the investigation – borne out of the traumatic impact of her experiences – “we knew the right thing to do was to launch an investigation even though the likely sexual offences would have taken place in Birmingham – the West Midlands police area.”

Due to the victim not wanting to talk about the harrowing experience the police were left with one choice – to pursue what they call a ‘victimless prosecution’.

Police tracked Sulayman on CCTV entering a shop

Chief Supt Harding said: “Clearly from the information we had secured during the missing episode we believed she was being taken from Telford to Birmingham and being returned back to Telford."

Although reluctant to disclose some of the investigative techniques used for fear of tipping of offenders, Chief Supt Harding said video had played a key part.

CCTV they had recovered showed the victim at a service station, with a man, later identified at Sulayman, going into the shop.

He said: “We managed to pinpoint the car she was picked up in at Asda.

“That was identified through detailed inquiries as being at Corley service station on the M6. Some CCTV shows Sulayman entering the shop in the petrol station and another shows him returning to the vehicle.

“This shows the trafficking nature of the offence.”

A search of the victim’s home also turned up names and phone numbers.


Chief Supt Harding said: “As part of that work we identified telephone numbers and in turn established that contact had been made through social media – Snapchat and Instagram. We believed that on the night the girl went missing she was taken to hotels in Birmingham city centre.”

The police chief explained how Sulayman had tried over time to get the girl in a position where she could be abused. Chief Supt Harding said: “She had been in contact with this man for five months before the missing episode which highlights the ‘boyfriend’ type model."

The first arrests in relation to the case took place in March 2017, and it was a further ten months and 14 police interviews before charges followed.

Chief Supt Harding said: “The victim would not provide us with an account of what took place so we were having to build up a picture of her movements and those of Sulayman over a period of time.

“Also, during that period suspects were interviewed 14 times with each lasting approximately two hours."

Ultimately, after work with a number of groups set up to support the victim, and with the police, she felt able to open up to the police over what had happened.

He also warned that the end of the case does not mean other people may not face justice over a shocking and horrific crime.

He said: “If more information comes to light or she provides further accounts in the days, weeks, months, years, then we will investigate that as we have done with this.”

Police praise the courage of victim

Police have praised the courage and strength of the Ghamer Sulayman’s victim, after her evidence helped to put him behind bars.

Speaking after Judge Peter Barrie jailed Sulayman, 23, of Mercia Drive, in Kings Heath, Birmingham for 10 years, the officer in charge of the investigation said he hoped the verdict would help the victim to move forward with her life.

Sulayman was convicted of two counts of human trafficking and one count of rape by a jury at Shrewsbury Crown Court.

He was found not guilty on six counts of rape and one of human trafficking at the judge’s direction.

Ayad Hizam, of Bridgecroft, in Balsall Heath, and Saleh Qasem, of Runcorn Road, in Balsall Heath, were both found not guilty of offences relating to the victim.

Detective Constable Steve Parton, who was the officer in charge of the investigation praised the victim, who is now 18, for her strength.

He also commended the support teams that had worked with her.

He said: “The victim in this case has shown great courage and bravery, it has not been easy and I hope the verdict offers some solace to her as she now moves forward in her life.

“I’d also like to recognise the fantastic support Telford & Wrekin Council’s CATE team. (Children Abused Through Exploitation team) has provided and have no doubt we would not be where we are today without the work they carried out.”

West Mercia Police have also urged anyone who is a victim of CSE or sexual assault to contact them, and the advice line.

A spokesman said: “Anyone who is a victim of any sexual assault and feels they may need support can contact West Mercia’s Victim Advice Line. It is a free, independent and confidential support service. People can call 0800 952 3000 or visit and do not have had to have reported the offence to the police.

“To report child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation ring 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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