Shropshire Star

Woman in court after assaulting taxi driver

A woman who failed to pay for two taxi fares and assaulted a taxi driver has appeared in court.


Jordan Davies, 24, of no fixed address, left an Oswestry taxi driver without paying and in a similar incident bent back the taxi driver's fingers.

Davies, described as homeless following a relationship break-up, was given a rehabilitation order at the North East Wales magistrates court in Mold.

She was ordered to carry out 150 unpaid hours in the community pay compensation of £29.50 and £8 for the unpaid fares and £50 compensation to the injured taxi driver.

She admitted two charges of failing to pay a fare and one of assault.

Prosecutor Justin Espie said that in January a taxi driver from Oswestry was called to the Ellesmere area, picked up the defendant and took her to an address. But on arrival she went to a house, returned and said she had no money, said she would get money later but failed to pay.

In February a female taxi driver took the defendant to a destination and again she failed to pay. Her bag was retained in the taxi while she went into a property to get money but Davies returned tried to grab her bag and in doing so bent back the taxi driver's fingers.

Probation officer Pamela Roberts told the court that the defendant was homeless following a relationship breakdown.

In the last few years she had been working in Liverpool as an exotic dancer.

Miss Roberts said that the defendant had some underlying beliefs and attitudes that would benefit from probation intervention if the risk of re-offending to be reduced.

Bethan Jones, defending, said that her client was living in a chaotic situation.

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