Jailed: Dealers took over Ludlow home and used as base to sell class A and B drugs

Two drug dealers who 'cuckooed' a Shropshire home to use as their drug-dealing headquarters have been jailed.

Sebastian Snow and Theo Thomas

Sebastian Snow and Theo Thomas, both 26, were sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs.

The pair were arrested in October last year when police executed a warrant at a house in Milton Road, Ludlow. They were both in the property at the time along with a quantity of drugs.

Snow, of Regent Crescent, Birmingham, was given two years after he was found in possession of more than 100 wraps of crack worth £1700 and £430 worth of heroin.

Thomas, of Robert Road, Birmingham, was found in possession of £100 worth of cannabis hidden in an empty crisp tube and £930 cash. He was sentenced to 19 months.

Cuckooing is a practice associated with county lines drug dealing that sees drug dealers from outside the area take over the home of someone locally to deal drugs from. They often target people who are vulnerable and or dependent on drugs or alcohol.

DS Andy Chatting, from the Local Organised Crime Team based in Shrewsbury, said: "I hope this sends out a warning to drug dealers who think they can come into our county to deal drugs that we are targeting them and taking action to make sure they are put before the courts and ultimately jailed."

Local police teams work closely with other agencies to make sure those who could be targeted by county lines drug dealers are safeguarded and measures put in place to protect them.