Shropshire Star

Kent couple caught on Snowdonia 'pleasure drive' 300 miles from home

A couple from Kent have been reprimanded by police after ignoring the lockdown to travel nearly 300 miles to Snowdonia.

Last updated
An officer from North Wales Police explains why the couple were stopped

The couple spent more than five hours driving from their home in south east England to the North Wales national park for what police described as a "pleasure drive" through Betws-y-Coed and Llanberis.

Both villages are extremely popular with tourists but are currently quiet due to the lockdown rules which state you should only leave home when shopping for basics, caring for a vulnerable person, work, medical reasons or for daily exercise.

Government guidelines say when exercising people should "stay local if you can and act responsibly at all times" and minimise time away from home.

Llanberis is a 283-mile drive from Maidstone, Kent's county town.

The couple will now be appearing in court for breaching the Covid-19 regulations.

An officer from the Rural Crime Team posted a video on Twitter expressing his shock at their actions.

He said: "We are still in lockdown, we're in week seven now and some people are finding it a bit difficult.

"We just stopped a couple from Kent who had travelled up all the way to North Wales.

"They've just been for a pleasure drive through Betws-y-Coed and Llanberis. For their troubles, they will be appearing in court for breach of Covid-19 regulations."

North Wales Police added: "It’s unacceptable that some clearly don’t believe or understand that the #COVID19 legislation applies to them.

"We all have a part to play to help stop the spread of the virus. Our advice remains - please stay home and protect our NHS. Our patrols continue."

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