Shropshire Star

Appeal after vandalism at play park

A council is appealing for people to contact police after vandals damaged a play park.


Seating belonging to Newtown's town centre play park has been badly damaged according to the authority.

A spokesman said: "We are very saddened to report that an area in the new town centre play park has been damaged earlier in the week.

"The main facilities are not yet open, but a small area built specifically for older children is accessible.

"The seating in the area has been badly damaged which will now have to be repaired, causing cost to the public purse and possibly delaying the opening of the park further.

"The damage has been reported to the police and we are appealing for witnesses to contact Newtown Police Station or 101 with any information they may have.

"The damage was reported on Tuesday morning so we suspect the incident may have occurred in the evening of Monday, August 24.

"We appeal for members of the public to report any acts of vandalism or anti-social behaviour that they witness to ensure that the park is a safe and friendly place for families to enjoy."

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