Shropshire Star

Shropshire scout leader who stole children's £8,000 holiday fund declared bankrupt

A Shropshire scout leader who stole nearly £8,000 that had been saved for children to go on a jamboree to Switzerland has been declared bankrupt.

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Colin Llewellyn, 56, siphoned off cash from the 1st Bayston Hill Scouts in Shrewsbury to fund his gambling problem - money the children had painstakingly raised for a trip to a summer camp in Bern.

Llewellyn, a scout master of 27 years, was subject of a proceeds of crime act hearing at Shrewsbury Crown Court on Tuesday.

Rob Edwards, defending, told the court Llewellyn had been declared bankrupt but had offered to make payments.

Judge Anthony Lowe adjourned the hearing until December 1 for further enquiries to be made to see if the cash can be recovered.

Llewellyn, of Sidney Butts Close, in Dorrington, Shrewsbury, was given a 10-month prison sentence, suspended for two years in June. He was also ordered to carry out 150 hours unpaid work.

Bank statements showed he had been using scout money for bets for around 12 months, and sometimes he reimbursed the coffers when he had a win.

But his gambling got out of control and he couldn’t make the money back for the trip.

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