Shropshire Star

Man accused of fleeing police denies string of motoring charges

A man has pleaded not guilty to a string of motoring offences after running away from police.

David Rowton is accused of running away from police

David Rowton, 31, will face trial on September 16 relating to offences his is alleged to have committed in Crowmere Road, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury on November 7, 2019.

He denies two charges of driving under the influence of drugs, driving while disqualified, driving without insurance and failing to stop for a police officer.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that Rowton, of Cumberland Road, Merry Hill, claims it was not him who was behind the wheel of the Ford Connect van when officers ordered it to pull over.

Prosecutor Kate Price said that according to police officer witness statements, Rowton got out of the driver's side of the van and ran away when police wanted to talk to him.

Rowton was released on unconditional bail.

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