Shropshire Star

Sixty-eight weapons seized and 19 arrests in week-long County Lines drugs crackdown

Nineteen people were arrested and drugs and weapons seized as West Mercia Police officers took part part in a week-long crackdown on County Lines criminal activity.

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Weapons seized by West Mercia Police in county lines crackdown

Sixty-eight weapons including knives, knuckledusters and air weapons were seized, along with Class A drugs to a street value of around £6,500 across Shropshire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

Cash, five mobile phones and two vehicles were also seized during the simultaneous warrants across the counties.

Drugs seized by West Mercia Police in county lines crackdown

Officers visited ‘cuckooed’ homes believed to be being exploited by drug dealers. They identified and safeguarded 11 vulnerable people at risk of being exploited. Officers also engaged in education activity with fast food outlets, care homes, schools, local authorities, petrol stations and travel hubs across the counties.

A car involved in a county lines crackdown by West Mercia Police
Drugs seized by West Mercia Police in county lines crackdown
Police engaged in education activity
Weapons seized by West Mercia Police in county lines crackdown

Chief Superintendent Damian Barratt said: “West Mercia Police is no different to any other police force across the country where county lines drug dealers are exploiting vulnerable children, young people and adults.

“Organised crime groups are targeting our local communities and exploiting vulnerable people to transport drugs into our counties.

“These groups are often involved in serious violence and do not think twice about putting vulnerable people in frightening situations, causing them to make decisions that can ultimately change their lives and the lives of others forever. We are determined to do all we can to stop this from happening.

“The consequences are far and wide and cause a ripple effect. During the intensification week a vehicle inadvertently collided with an elderly couple in Shropshire, luckily the couple were not hurt, and the vehicle was seized and a man was arrested.

A car involved in a county lines crackdown by West Mercia Police

“We’re committed to tackling serious and organised crime as part of our ‘Protect’ campaign. No matter what the circumstances, our officers are here 24/7 365 days a year to protect people from harm.”

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