Telford stabbing victim 'suffered several serious injuries', inquest hears
An inquest has been opened into the death of a man who died during a weekend of three separate stabbings in Telford.

West Mercia Police launched a murder investigation after 52-year-old Mark Anthony Espley died from stab wounds sustained during a "disturbance" in the street where he lived - Fowler Close, Wellington - on Saturday, June 18.
His neighbour, John William Walker, aged 64, has been charged with his murder and is in custody.
A hearing at Shirehall on Thursday heard that police and paramedics were called to a disturbance in Fowler Close by a "concerned member of the public" at 10.58am. Mr Espley was found to have suffered "several serious injuries" and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Mr Espley's body was identified by a fingerprint expert at a hospital in Coventry.
Heath Westerman, deputy coroner for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, adjourned the inquest but said not fresh date will be given until the crown court trial of Walker is complete.