Shropshire Star

Just one in 20 sexual orientation hate crimes in West Mercia led to charge last year, figures show

An LGBT charity has said police must do more to investigate potential sexual orientation hate crimes, as just one in 20 led to a charge in West Mercia last year.

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Figures obtained through a Freedom of Information show there were 351 sexual orientation hate crimes recorded by West Mercia Police last year.

Of those, just 16 – 5 per cent – had led to a charge or summons at the time of the request.

At least 48 – 14 per cent – were dropped because a suspect could not be identified, and the victim did not support further action and a further 52 – 15per cent – were closed due to evidential difficulties despite a suspect being identified and the victim supporting action.

Data from the 32 forces across England and Wales that provided information on investigation outcomes shows only 1,648 – 9 per cent – of the 17,824 offences recorded in 2021 led to a charge or summons.

Forces were asked to provide the number of hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation, and the investigation outcomes, for each of the last five years.

While some offences may have still been under investigation at the time of the request, the landscape of low charge rates is reflected across the country.

Robbie de Santos, director of communications and external affairs at Stonewall, said society must do more to "combat anti-LGBTQ+ violence and call out abuse, harassment and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment wherever we see it".

Mr de Santos added: "But we also need a greater commitment from the police to take decisive action to follow up and investigate these offences."

Meanwhile, separate Home Office figures released recently show the number of offences across England and Wales has soared during the coronavirus pandemic.

A total of 26,200 were recorded in the year to March – a 41 per cent rise on the year before, when there were 18,600 – and a 65 per cent increase on 2019 to 2020.

In West Mercia, sexual orientation-motivated hate crimes rose by 35 per cent from 280 in 2020 to 2021 to 378 in 2021 to 2022.

Only two areas – Northamptonshire and Suffolk – saw the number of offences fall in the same time period.

LGBT charities said the rise in hate crimes in recent years is "deeply worrying", but warned many go unreported and the figures do not accurately represent the whole picture.

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