Shropshire Star

Scrap metal thieves target Shrewsbury food charity's delivery van

A food charity in Shrewsbury is appealing for support after thieves stole the catalytic converter from its delivery van.

Last updated
The van, affectionately known as Ronnie, was targetting by thieves on Thursday, November 3

Shrewsbury Food Hub, a charity that collects surplus food from supermarkets and shares it in the community, is asking for help after thieves stole the catalytic converter from its delivery van on Thursday, November 3.

The van - affectionately named 'Ronnie' by hub volunteers - was donated by Salopian Lodge of Charity 117 in 2020 and is used daily to rescue tonnes of surplus food and deliver it to local groups who can use it, like community groups and schools.

Hub manager Tammy Bloodworth said with the current cost of living crisis, the charity was working flat out to support its community, and this latest setback had caused misery for the charity and it's beneficiaries.

Tammy said: "The thieves never gave a second thought to the consequence of their actions.

"The impact on us and our community has been tremendous. I don’t understand how anyone could have done this. They can see from the branding on our van that we are a food charity.

"With the cost of living crisis hitting hard, we are working flat out to support our community. This is the last thing anyone needed."

She added: "Thanks to our amazing volunteers and supporters, we have managed to muddle through our collections and deliveries over the last few days.

"Bayfield Vehicle Hire has also kindly offered us a van at a reduced price until we can get Ronnie back on the road, which will make things a lot easier."

The Food Hub is appealing for anyone who has information about the theft to contact the police. It is also keen to find a safe base near its Battlefield depot to store the van when it is not in use.

It is asking anyone with information about the theft, or who can offer secure parking so the van is not targeted again, to contact Tammy on 07939 999619 or email

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