Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury cocaine dealer caught with 16 wraps concealed in his body

A cocaine dealer from Shrewsbury who was caught with 16 wraps of cocaine concealed in his body has avoided jail.

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Rhain Allis-Smith, aged 29, was found to have hidden the drugs on his person when searched by police, having been pulled over while driving in Shrewsbury.

Allis-Smith, who had a woman in the car with him, was stopped by officers on February 20 last year. He was found to be in possession of a burner phone with messages related to drug dealing activity, and had £155 in cash, Shrewsbury Crown Court heard.

Both Allis-Smith and the woman were arrested and when at the police station, she told officers that he had passed her a set of scales for weighing out portions of drugs.

He was searched and was found to have wraps concealed weighing in at 16.2g. He gave a 'no comment' interview when officers questioned him.

Allis-Smith, of Drawwell Street, Belle Vue, pleaded guilty to one count of possession with intent to supply cocaine.

He was unrepresented when he appeared at the Shrewsbury Crown Court hearing, which was being held at Telford Justice Centre.

Recorder Jason MacAdam handed him a two-year prison sentence, suspended for two years. He told Allis-Smith that he had read a pre-sentence report on him, and that he had made a "significant" effort to move away from a life of crime.

However, Allis-Smith was warned by the judge: "I will lock you up," if he breaches the order.

"Sentencing has to have three elements - to punish, to deter and to rehabilitate," Recorder MacAdam told Allis-Smith.

"What I normally do with anybody who deals drugs is send them to prison.

"You have had a lifetime of difficulty because of drugs. It doesn't help your mental health. It makes matters worse.

"You have done a significant amount to persuade me and to show you have decided not to offend again. I take into account the effect this has on your family. Every single case like this, there are children and a girlfriend. That only counts for so much.

"I am giving you every possible chance. There will be no excuses that would satisfy me if you breach this suspended sentence. I will lock you up."

Recorder MacAdam also ordered Allis-Smith to pay £350 in court costs and undertake 30 rehabilitation activity days. He ordered forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and the phone and forfeiture of the money seized by officers.

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