Jailed: 'Immature' drug dealer caught with crack cocaine and heroin in Shrewsbury
A Shrewsbury drug dealer who was twice caught with Class A illegal substances and once with a blade has been jailed.

Kyle Moore, aged 22, was arrested twice within a matter of months with crack cocaine and heroin in his possession in Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Crown Court heard that on March 4, 2021, Moore was stopped and searched by officers in Worcester Road, Harlescott. He was found to have cannabis sweets, a small quantity of cannabis and £315 in cash. He also had a lock knife.
Police also found that Moore had hidden nearby two Kinder eggs, one containing 24 wraps of crack cocaine and another containing 18 wraps of heroin. Combined, the drugs were worth up to £1,270.
A mobile phone was also found to contain messages relating to drug dealing. The items were found to have Moore's DNA on them.
Moore was arrested, and gave a "no comment" interview to police.
Then, on July 2 the same year, Moore was seen dealing drugs in Shrewsbury. Again, he had crack cocaine and heroin in his possession, this time worth up to £780. He also had £270 in cash and and mobile phone. This time the phone was damaged so could not be examined. He again answered "no comment" to police questions.
Moore, from Shrewsbury but of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine, two counts of possession with intent to supply heroin, one count of possession of a knife in a public place, one count of possession of criminal property and one count of possession of cannabis.
Steve Scully, mitigating, said Moore was "more immature" than his years.
"He's had quite a challenging upbringing," Mr Scully said, adding that Moore has been diagnosed with ADHD.
Passing sentence, Judge Peter Barrie told Moore: "You got yourself involved in dealing Class A drugs which ruin people's lives, and about which the court takes a very strong view."
He jailed Moore for three years and four months. Moore will serve half in custody and then be released on licence.
Judge Barrie also ordered forfeiture and destruction of the drugs found.