Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury drug dealer facing jail term after admitting supplying crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis

A drug dealer has admitted supplying crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis in the county.


Michael Taylor, aged 20, appeared at Shrewsbury Crown Court to plead guilty to three counts of possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply, and one count of possession of criminal property.

The charges relate to December 21 last year, when Taylor was arrested in Shrewsbury with drugs and £355 in cash.

Taylor, of Westbourne, Woodside, Telford, will be sentenced at the same court on February 24. Judge Anthony Lowe granted Taylor bail, with conditions that he observe a curfew, stays living at his home address and does not return to Shrewsbury other than for court hearings.

He told Taylor his sentencing had been adjourned for a pre-sentence report. "I'm afraid a custodial sentence is the most likely outcome," he added.