Shropshire Star

Police in south Shropshire crack down on vehicle insurance, tax and MOT offences

Police in Shropshire are on the lookout for vehicles whose drivers don't have the correct paperwork.

Last updated
Picture: West Mercia Police

The police team covering Cleobury Mortimer and Highley have been looking for rogue vehicles and recently seized one from the Highley area.

PCSO Jacqueline Fletcher, of the local policing team covering Cleobury and Highley, said: "Cleobury and Highley's Safer Neighbourhood Team have been proactively looking out for uninsured, un-taxed and vehicles with expired MOT.

"With the assistance of local residents we have managed to seize a vehicle from the Highley area."

And the officers are looking for information on more vehicles that do not comply with the regulations.

People with information about vehicles which are not complying with the correct regulations should let police know by using the ‘Tell Us About’ form on the West Mercia Police website

If you aren’t comfortable contacting police directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website:

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