Shropshire Star

Woman choked by controlling partner who also tried to rule her finances and social life

A Telford man who choked his traumatised partner having tried to control her money and her social life has been given a community order.

Lloyd was sentenced at Telford Magistrates Court

Alexander Lloyd, who is now 23, assaulted the victim in the bedroom of his home by putting his hand around her neck, then followed her outside and continued the assault.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that the two had been in an on-off relationship between early 2018 and 2022, culminating in the assault by Lloyd on February 19, 2022.

Prosecuting, Joanne Fox said: "Police were called by the victim, saying that she had been assaulted by her boyfriend at his home address where she had been staying the night."

The victim told the police that about half an hour before she made the call, she had been in Lloyd's bedroom where they were both playing games on their phones before he "became aggressive towards her".

"She moved away from him and leant on the bed. He moved over and grabbed her around the throat with his left hand," said Mrs Fox.

"She felt unable to breathe – she was unable to remember the amount of time he was choking her. She hit her head on the bedroom wall."

Lloyd was shouting at her to leave the property, said Mrs Fox, and released her soon after.

She left but he followed and grabbed her by the throat again.

"In his defence, she did the same to Mr Lloyd," said Mrs Fox.

Lloyd, now of Oldcroft in Oakengates, pleaded guilty to engaging in controlling/coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship and one count of common assault.

In a statement that was read out to the court, the defendant admitted that "there was some control" of the victim's finances and who she spoke to in the course of their relationship.

He also said that the two would often "play fight".

Lloyd's defence advocate, Martin McNamara, told the court: "He is a changed individual. He very much wants to co-operate with the probation service."

A statement from the victim detailing the crimes' impact on her said: "It's still giving me flashbacks. I'm terrified of going out of the house in case I see him out there.

"I don't feel I can have a proper relationship with my family because I'm scared to go out and see people.

"I'm always worried that I will see Alex – I don't feel safe outside of my house."

Magistrates handed down a two-year community order, and told Lloyd he must complete 15 rehabilitation activity days.

They also enacted a restraining order until further notice barring Lloyd from contacting the victim or her mother, or going near a specific address in Telford associated with them.

Chair of the bench Mr Alan Parkhurst restated the impact on the victim: "This has been a traumatic period in her life."

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