Shropshire Star

'Despicable' son burgled Ludlow shops and assaulted his own mother after demanding money

A serial burglar who assaulted his mother and stole her phone was told he "should be thoroughly ashamed" for the "despicable act".


Drug addict Nathan Hardisty was given a restraining order banning him from contacting his mother for five years.

Hardisty, aged 33, demanded money from his mother, before pushing her and injuring her wrist. When she did not give him any cash, he took her handbag and stole £31.50 she had just been paid from her job in a care home.

As well as that assault, Hardisty was also at Shrewsbury Crown Court to be sentenced for burgling four shops in Ludlow between January 1 and 3 this year, and a shop theft last November.

Hardisty first stole an Oral B toothbrush and two bottles of Ted Baker perfume from Lloyds Pharmacy on November 23.

He then embarked on a three-day crime spree this January. On New Year's Day he burgled Ludlow Phones, stealing the till float and two sets of Bentino headphones. The next day he broke into CK Phones and stole a bucket of petty cash containing £100.

Then, on January 3, he again broke into CK Phones, but without taking anything, as well as smashing into Harp Lane Deli, taking sausages and apple juice. He caused £400 worth of damage to a door at the deli.

Suzanne Francis, prosecuting, said Hardisty told officers who arrested him he broke into the deli "because he was hungry", and tried to give police the slip by saying he needed the toilet. His getaway failed.

Hardisty, of Sycamore Close, Ludlow, pleaded guilty to four counts of burglary, one of theft, one of obstructing police in the course of their duty and one of assault by beating. He has seven previous convictions for 13 offences.

Rob Edwards, mitigating, said it was "a sad case", and that Hardisty has struggled with drug addiction.

Addressing Hardisty on the assault against his mother, Recorder Jonathan Taylor said: "It was a despicable act. An assault on your own mother. I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of yourself."

He handed Hardisty a 10-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months. Hardisty must also do 20 rehabilitation activity days and 100 days of unpaid work. A restraining order was put in place, banning him from contacting his mother for five years.

Recorder Taylor warned Hardisty: "If you are stupid enough to commit other offences you will come back to court and you will go to prison."

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