Shropshire Star

Officers appeal for information after kitchen window damaged in Telford incident

Police are appealing for information after a kitchen window was criminally damaged.

Burnside. Picture: Google Maps

Officers say the window at a property in Burnside, Telford, was damaged at about 9.30pm on Sunday, February 19.

PCSO Katy Balaam, of the policing team in Brookside, said: "We are investigating criminal damage to a kitchen window at a property in Burnside. We are appealing to local residents for information.

"Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime."

People should report information online using the Tell Us About form on West Mercia Police's website, quoting incident reference 00630_I_19022023.

People who aren't comfortable contacting police directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website:

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