Shropshire Star

'Abhorrent': Controlling thug stamped on ex's throat and blamed her for baby's premature birth

A man who stamped on his ex-partner's throat and blamed her for giving birth prematurely has been given "one last chance".

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Callum Brough, aged 21, also threatened to set fire to his baby's oxygen tank and burn his victim's house down after she refused to rekindle their relationship.

Shrewsbury Crown Court heard how Brough and the victim got together in early 2021, and not long after were expecting a baby together.

The birth of their daughter prompted a change in Brough's behaviour. He became abusive, calling her several derogatory names and criticising her body. She ended the relationship, but allowed him to stay at the home they shared due to his struggles in finding somewhere else to live.

In November 2021, the victim was up early to clean the house in preparation for a visit from a hospital worker and wanted to make a good impression, but Brough, of Brands Farm Way, Randlay, Telford, became angry.

Referring to their baby, he said: "I don't give a **** about that thing in the hospital. I hope it dies."

He became physically aggressive, pushed his victim over and stamped on her neck, holding it down with his foot. He slapped her in the face and she started to have a panic attack.

In June last year after supervised contact with their daughter, Brough returned to his ex-partner's her home, saying he wanted to see his daughter again. The victim had to go out and could not leave Brough alone with their daughter as he had not been trained to use her oxygen equipment.

He made sexual comments and threw a bottle at her, before picking up a coffee table and throwing it near where the baby was lying.

His ex said she would phone the police, enraging Brough further, who grabbed her round the neck with both hands and squeezed for 10 to 15 seconds, causing her to struggle to breathe.

Her father returned, but Brough refused to leave, threatening to burn the house down.

The victim said in a statement that she had to move away from the area and that she believes Brough needs help to sort out his personal issues.

Brough pleaded guilty to controlling and coercive behaviour, strangulation and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The court was told by his defence lawyer that Brough has had a "troubled" upbringing and is "genuinely remorseful".

Recorder Rebecca Wade described Brough's behaviour as "abhorrent", but felt there was "a realistic prospect of rehabilitation".

She handed Brough a 24-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

"This is the one and only chance you will get," Recorder Wade told him.

He must also do 200 hours of unpaid work and a "building better relationships" course.

Brough was also made subject of a 10-year restraining order, banning him from contacting the victim by any means other than through the family court.

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