Experienced cops take on new Violence Against Women and Girls roles in Shropshire
West Mercia Police has appointed specialist officers to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls across the policing area.
Two officers will be working across Telford and Shropshire, with two more appointed in Herefordshire and north Worcestershire.
The force has said that the new positions reflect their focus on pursuing offenders and bringing them to justice while ensuring victims receive caring and compassionate support.
They said they hope the move will help them "prevent offending, reduce risk and put victims and survivors at the heart of everything we do."
Telford Police Constable Rebecca James has been appointed as Telford Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) officer after 16 years in the service.
For the last decade, Rebecca has been working as a Safer Neighbourhood Officer in the south Telford area.
Rebecca said: “I want to do everything I can to make our communities safe, happy and flourishing places to live.
"A police officer’s purpose is to safeguard and protect everybody and it is exciting to be part of this innovative strand of policing.”
In Shropshire, the role has been given to Detective Constable Jane Harding.
Jane has been a police officer for eight years, initially in response policing.
This was followed by detective training in the Criminal Investigation Department, working across domestic abuse and child protection.
Before taking up the VAWG role she worked in the child exploitation team.
Jane said: “Speaking, not just as a detective, but as a mother and as a female in our society, I want to help make positive changes in how we deal with violence against women and girls.”
Assistant Chief Constable Richard Cooper explained that specialist officers will have the role of coordinating protective measures, driving best practices and ensuring actions are informed by the experiences of women and girls.
PCC John Campion said: “I hope the specialist VAWG officers further reassure communities across West Mercia that the Chief Constable and I are committed to tackling domestic abuse.
“All four recruits bring a wealth of knowledge and experience into their new roles.
"I will ensure they have the resources and tools they need as we continue making progress in our journey to eradicate violence against women and girls in West Mercia."