Man who drove in Shrewsbury almost three times over drink drive limit is banned
A man who was behind the wheel of a car in Shrewsbury while almost three times over the drink drive limit has been given a lengthy road ban.
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Lloyd Steele, 46, admitted driving a blue Audi in Longden Coleham on April 8 this year while over the limit.
Police who breath tested Steele found he had 100 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35mg per 100ml.
Steele, of Atherton Rise in Hanwood, near Shrewsbury, pleaded guilty to driving while over the alcohol limit at Telford Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
Magistrates banned Steele for 24 months and ordered him to pay a fine of £500. He can carry out a drink drive rehabilitation course to reduce his road ban by 24 weeks.