Shropshire Star

Telford is 'no easy target' for cannabis growers as police break up ten operations in seven months

Police have warned cannabis growing gangs that Telford will not be an 'easy target' after breaking up more than 10 operations in seven months.

Last updated
Cannabis discovered during raids in Telford over the past few months.

This week saw police carry out their latest bust in the battle against cannabis growers, as they found more than 400 plants in raids on two properties in Woodside.

The raids were led by Madeley Sergeant Richard Jones, and are the latest in a series of busts since he took up the post in November last year.

In total up to a million pounds of drugs and drug growing equipment have been seized – with a number of gardeners caught at properties also jailed over their involvement.

Nearly all of the busts have been in residential properties, which have been kitted out especially for the purposes of growing cannabis, with electricity dangerously bypassed, ventilation equipment fitted and rooms full of cannabis plants.

Sgt Jones said they would keep working to force those behind the grow sites out of the area.

He said: "We will continue doing it. We want to make them aware that Telford is not an easy target as a place to do it and we will work actively to search them out."