Shropshire Star

Manitou vehicle stolen from Shropshire farm and driven off along country roads, say police

Police have asked members of the public to keep a look out for a vehicle stolen from a farm near Albrighton.

Last updated
Picture: Shifnal and Albrighton police

Officers say the Manitou vehicle was taken from a farm in Cordy Lane, Albrighton at 3.32am on Wednesday and sighted shortly later, leaving the area heading in the direction of Donington Lane and Renshaw Wood.

PCSO Steven Breese, of the policing team in Shifnal and Albrighton, said: "Please be aware, and keep a look out for a stolen Manitou.

"Vehicle was stolen from a farm in Cordy Lane, Albrighton and sighted shortly later leaving the area heading in the direction of Donington lane and Renshaw Wood."

PCSO Breese said if anyone has any sightings they should call police quoting ref 00086_i_02082023.

Officers have also issued advice on preventing the theft of heavy farm machinery on the West Mercia Police website at

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