Shropshire Star

Man fined hundreds of pounds at court after interfering with badger sett

A man has been hit with a £500 fine after admitting interfering with a badger sett in the county.

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Christopher Woodward, of Quarry Lane, Horton, Oxfordshire, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court last week where he pleaded guilty to a charge of blocking the entrance to a badger sett.

The incident took place at Iscoyd Woods, Whitchurch, Shropshire, on February 3, this year.

The 38-year-old was handed a £500 fine for the offence and ordered to pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service and a £200 surcharge fee.

It is an offence under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 to interfere with a badger sett, including obstructing access.

PC David Allen, investigating officer in the case, said: “Given offences of this nature are difficult to bring to court because of their isolated nature, I welcome this result.

“I hope it sends a strong message to those intent on committing such offences that we do take all reports seriously.

“This type of rural crime will not be tolerated in North Wales, and we will thoroughly investigate any allegations made to us.”

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