Shropshire Star

Watch: Driver who gave cyclist inches to spare in unsafe overtake winds up in court

GoPro footage has recorded the moment an Audi driver gave a cyclist just inches to spare as he overtook on the approach to blind bend.

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GoPro footage caught the moment Stuart Morris dangerously overtook a cyclist. Image: Dyfed-Powys Police

Stuart Morris was filmed overtaking the cyclist along a country road near the border between Shropshire and Powys earlier, a manoeuvre which landed him with a court appearance.

The cyclist's footage showed the grey Audi Q5 driven by Morris on the B4385 near Mellington Hall narrowly going by.

The 57-year-old appeared at Llanelli Magistrates Court on Wednesday, August 23, where he admitted a charge of driving without due care and attention.

The charge said: "The defendant was travelling in the same direction as the cyclist and conducts an overtake manoeuvre in order to pass the cyclist. The defendant passes the cyclist at an unsafe distance on the approach to a blind bend. The defendant’s driving fell below that of a careful and competent driver, and he was driving without due care and attention."

Morris, of Medowbrook in Bayston Hill, was fined £115 and given three penalty points on his licence. He must also pay £110 costs and a £46 surcharge.

Morris was prosecuted after footage was submitted to Operation Snap, a campaign to improve road safety which allows people to report and submit footage of potential traffic offences.

Speaking after the case, a spokesman for Dyfed-Powys Police said: "GoSafe received an Operation Snap submission involving an Audi Q5 unsafely passing a cyclist on Monday, 30th January 2023.

"Whilst on the approach to a blind corner, the Audi passed the cyclist at an unsafe distance, on the B4385 near Mellington Hall in Montgomery, Powys.

"After reviewing the footage, the driver was deemed to be driving without due care and attention and the case was proceeded to court.

"GoSafe regularly receives submissions of close pass incidents through Operation Snap. We will continue to work closely with cycling groups and drivers to develop Operation Close Pass, which aims to educate both groups on how to stay safe on our roads.

"The key information to remember when overtaking a cyclist is to reduce your speed and always leave a minimum of 1.5 metres between your vehicle and a cyclist, whenever safe to do so."