Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury man who took photos of women and girls on beach guilty of breaching peace

A 64-year-old Shrewsbury man has admitted taking photos of women and teenage girls on a beach – but claimed he only did it because he was bored.

Jersey's St Brelade’s beach. Photo: Google.

Michael Moreton confirmed that he had been using his mobile phone to take pictures while on Jersey's St Brelade’s beach on August 17.

But he said the images were only ‘random photos of people’ and claimed he was not specifically targeting women and teenagers, and that there was no sexual motivation to them.

In the island's Magistrate’s Court on Monday Moreton admitted to a charge of acting in a manner likely to cause a breach of the peace.

The court heard that this charge reflected the possibility that those photographed or their relatives could have become aggressive towards Moreton.

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