Man arrested after police raid uncovers 'large' cannabis grow in Wem

A man has been arrested after a police raid in Wem uncovered a large cannabis grow.

Photo: North Shropshire SNT

Police uncovered several rooms full of cannabis plants after they conducted a raid on a property in Wem on Tuesday morning.

One man was arrested for the cultivation of cannabis.

Photographs shared by North Shropshire Safer Neighbourhood Team show several rooms full of grow lights and plants of various sizes.

The cannabis grow in Wem. Photo: North Shropshire SNT.
The cannabis grow in Wem. Photo: North Shropshire SNT.

A spokesperson from the police said: "Officers from Shropshire Local Organised Crime Team, Neighbourhood Crime Fighting Team and North Shropshire SNT have conducted a warrant in Wem this morning.

"A large cannabis grow was located and a male arrested for cultivation of cannabis."