Shropshire Star

Thief who stole cans of Stella Artois and tobacco from corner shop is ordered to pay up

A man who stole a four-pack of lager and a packet of tobacco from a convenience shop has been ordered to pay back for what he took.

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Kidderminster Magistrates Court

Andrew Dodd, who is 43, took a pack of four pint Stella Artois cans, a 30g packet of Golden Virginia tobacco and a carrier bag from a CostCutters branch in Newtown on October 13 last year.

Dodd, of Ryton Close in Shrewsbury, was prosecuted for a single charge of theft from a shop and he pleaded guilty on June 6 this year.

The cost of the stolen lager, the tobacco and the carrier bag came to £25.40, Kidderminster Magistrates Court heard on Monday, October 16.

Dodd was given a conditional discharge but was ordered to pay £25.40 in compensation to the keeper of the Canal Road shop.

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