Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury man harassed woman three times in nine days despite being banned from contacting her

A man who harassed a woman three times in nine days despite being banned from contacting her will face sentence next month.


Graham Armstrong, aged 35, turned up at the victim's address in Shrewsbury. On one occasion he shouted an expletive, and on another he was outside in a 4x4 while a parcel was being delivered. He was prohibited from contacting her by a restraining order.

He also made off without paying for fuel twice from a Shrewsbury petrol station. He took more than £95 worth of fuel altogether.

Armstrong, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty at Kidderminster Magistrates Court to three charges of harassment and two of making off without payment.

He will be sentenced at Telford Magistrates Court on November 11. He was granted conditional bail and a pre-sentence report will be prepared.

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