Shropshire Star

Telford thief admits being naked and touching his private parts in public place

A Telford man has admitted touching his private parts while being naked in a public place.

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Kenny Church was arrested for a number of offences

Kenny Church, aged 35, from Coronation Crescent, in Madeley, faces being sentenced for an act of outraging public decency in the town on Monday, September 4, as well as a number of other offences.

He admitted committing an act outraging public decency by behaving in an indecent manner during a hearing at Kidderminster Magistrates Court on Monday.

During the same hearing the court was told that Church also admitted stealing two power tools of an unknown value from B&Q in Telford on Thursday, July 20.

Church has also admitted failing to turn up to Telford Magistrates Court on October 31, making off without paying £40 for unleaded petrol on Saturday, July 29.

He's also admitted making off without paying for £146.47 of diesel in Telford on August 8, 2023,

Church has also admitted driving a Mercedes dangerously on the A442 in Telford on March 20, 2023. He's been banned from driving on an interim basis until he appears in court for sentencing.

Magistrates bailed Church to appear for sentencing at Telford Magistrates Court on December 6, 2023 and remanded him on unconditional bail to appear before the court on that date.

A pre-sentence report will be prepared for magistrates to consider their sentence.

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