Shropshire Star

'He cared dearly': Mum's touching tribute to 'courageous' teenage son stabbed to death in Wolverhampton

The mother of a 19-year-old man stabbed to death in Wolverhampton has paid tribute to her "courageous" and "compassionate" son.

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Police were at the scene of the killing on Tuesday

Shawn Seesahai died in an area of open land off Laburnum Road, near to East Park and Stowlawn Playing fields, just before 8.30pm on Monday, sparking a murder investigation.

Police said he was with his friends at the time of the attack.

Shawn Seesahai

Two 12-year-old boys were arrested from their home addresses on Tuesday night on suspicion of murder and have been held in police custody since.

West Midlands Police have now revealed that detectives have been granted a warrant of further detention to continue questioning the suspects.

In a touching tribute to her son, Shawn's mother described him as a "confident young soul" who "cared dearly" for his loved ones.

A blue forensic tent was erected in the area where Mr Seesahai died

She said: "Shawn Seesahai was a courageous, compassionate and confident young soul who sadly lost his life at the age of 19.

“He was looking forward to accomplish many future plans and ambitions. He cared dearly about his family and friends and he absolutely loved to help people.

"He was a generous person and had a good personality. We will always have him in our hearts."

Police were at the scene of the killing on Tuesday

Police have increased patrols in the area in hopes of reassuring residents and have urged people "not to speculate on social media" as detectives continue with their investigation.

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