Shropshire Star

Police recover third vehicle in Broseley linked to crime

Police have recovered three vehicles in the Broseley area that they believe were involved in criminal activity.

Last updated

The latest recovery was on Friday, November 17, after officers received reports of a vehicle that was believed to have been involved in crime.

PCSO Malcolm Goddard, of the police team in Broseley & Much Wenlock, said: "On the morning of Friday, November 17, police attended a location in Broseley after reports were received regarding a vehicle that was believed to have been involved in crime.

"Checks were completed and the vehicle was seized and will be undergoing forensic testing. The vehicle was a White Ford Ranger."

PCSO Goddard added that it is the "third vehicle recovered from Broseley in November that has been believed to be involved in criminal activity".

Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to contact West Mercia Police online, quoting incident number 00100_I_17112023.

If you aren’t comfortable contacting police directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website.

PCSO Goddard can be contacted by emailing the Safer Neighbourhood Team on

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