Shropshire Star

Homeowner was in during attempted burglary via patio doors

A homeowner was in when would-be burglars tried to break in through patio doors.

Last updated

Police say the homeowner did not have any lights on at the time but heard them as they tried to force their way in to the property in Washbrook Road, in Low Town Bridgnorth, at 7.45pm on Saturday.

PCSO Amanda Leek, of the Bridgnorth Town and Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team appealed for information.

"The offender or offenders tried to force entry into the home via the rear patio doors.

"At the time the homeowner was in but had no lights on in the property, they heard the door being tried so have disturbed the intruders."

PCSO Leek said that two males in dark clothing were seen in the location and a dark coloured vehicle but there was no make or model or vehicle registration could be seen.

PCSO Leek said house to house enquiries and CCTV trawl have been carried out in the immediate vicinity.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact police online, quoting incident number 000415_I_27012024.

If you're not comfortable contacting officers directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting its website.