Shropshire Star

Paranoid stalker harassed ex-partner using fake profiles - then turned up at her home with a brick

A jealous stalker who went to his terrified ex-partner's home and threatened to smash her car windscreen then urinated in a police cell after he was arrested has been sentenced.

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Joshua James Pearson, who is 27 and from Telford, hounded the woman online and in person after their 'on again/off again' relationship ended in 2022 even when she blocked him and made it clear she wanted to be left alone, Telford Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday.

He created multiple social media accounts to try and contact her and even tried messaging her on an Xbox account. His paranoid harassment made the woman scared even to leave her home or pursue other romantic relationships out of fear other people could get hurt, magistrates heard.

The "volatile" relationship ended for good in 2022 after more than three years, prosecutor Sara Beddow told the court.

"Since that he has persistently attempted to contact [her] through Facebook. He has made numerous Facebook profiles after she blocked his numbers and social media."

He would visit her home uninvited and call the victim with disguised numbers in an attempt to get her to answer him.

"He has attended her address many times after attempting to contact her, he has... said she is the only one who he can trust and confide in.

"She has on several occasions... told him she wants to be left alone by him."

On February 8 of 2023 Pearson went to the woman's Wellington home and picked up a brick.

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