Shropshire Star

Offender who broke court order by having 'casual sex' with woman is jailed

An offender who had sex without permission from his risk manager has been jailed for six months.


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A crown court judge told Ronan Hutchinson that he had "some sympathy" with the 24-year-old who was convicted of two sexual offences in Northern Ireland in 2016 - but told him "that's the law".

Hutchinson, from Shrewsbury but of no fixed abode, has to comply with the conditions of a sexual harm prevention order until February 27, 2028. He must disclose his criminal record to the other person before having any sexual relationship.

But Shrewsbury Crown Court was told that on March 10 this year at an address in New Park Road, Shrewsbury, he had sex with an 18-year-old woman without complying with a condition of his SHPO.

Simon Parry, prosecuting at Friday's sentencing hearing, said Hutchinson had spent "one hour" with the 18-year-old woman in her bedroom and it was admitted.

Hutchinson pleaded guilty to that breach and to breaking other rules of the order.

The court was told that on March 10 he had stayed overnight with his 13-year-old nephew at the Holiday Inn, Sitka Drive, Shrewsbury. Even though there was no suggestion of any wrongdoing, the rules ban Hutchinson from being in the company of a child under the age of 16.

The day before he had been at a family address in Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, where a one-year-old child was present. This was also a breach.

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